Blair-Taylor School District
All Wrestling Events
- Boys Varsity
- High School
- Middle School
Wrestling - Middle School
March 4th
Blair-Taylor vs CFC, Indee, and Mondovi
MS Wrestling @ B-T
Wrestling - High School
December 21st
Blair-Taylor vs Rice Lake & Mondovi
B-T United Campus
Wrestling - High School
January 5th
Blair-Taylor vs De Soto
Wrestling - High School
February 4th
Blair-Taylor vs MM/G-E-T/Whitehall
B-T United Campus
Wrestling - Middle School
February 15th
Blair-Taylor vs Arcadia, BRF, EC, and G-E-T
B-T, HS Gym
Wrestling - High School
December 2nd
Blair-Taylor vs Arcadia
B-T United Campus
Wrestling - Middle School
January 13th
Blair-Taylor vs multiple
BT, BRF, Mel-Min, Indee, Osseo-Fairchild @ B-T
Wrestling - High School
January 18th
Blair-Taylor vs Osseo-Fairchild
B-T United Campus